FDA approved 65 mg potassium iodide supplement on the market

Manufactured under strict guidelines & subjected to rigorous quality testing

Greater than 95 nuclear reactors in the USA each with a potential exposure radius of 200 miles
A Brief History
Meet the standard. Potassium iodide (KI) isn’t some new supplement fad or diet additive. In fact, its protective properties were first discovered in 1954 following a routine nuclear test in the Pacific Ocean. Since then, scientists around the world have studied and authenticated its ability to protect the thyroid of those at risk for radioactive exposure.
Evacuation Plan
Thorough preparation is the first line of defense in the event of a nuclear emergency. From knowing where your family members are, to rehearsing your shortest route to the car, it’s important to understand all your options and keep an easy to obtain collection of necessary supplies and info at the ready.

It's never a good idea to leave unprepared, thats why its best to have ThyroSafe easily accessible in the home. If you are unable to leave for some reason, stay indoors and do your best to cover all areas exposed to the environment. Remember, only take ThyroSafe under the direction of federal, state, or local authorities.
Importance For Children
Our children should never carry the burden if we find ourselves unprepared for such a life-changing event. And given that pregnant women, infants, and young children are among the highest at risk for thyroid cancer due to radiation exposure, there’s no time like the present to be prepared.
While not often fatal in itself, thyroid cancer can spread to other parts of the body and lead to more serious ailments. That’s why we’re proud to offer ThyroSafe as an effective preventative measure for every member of the family.
Thyrosafe tablets are quadrisected and enable a full treatment compliance to infants and children, as well as adults.